We celebrate and prepare most joyful way to any new born and birth... with all the warming welcome and nothing and nobody is against them!
But is it proper to get ready and be prepared before we leave this worldly life..... just few hours of our last stay 'here'.....a white bed sheet, a pillow sham and a body cover........and all the necessary items needed for that day?
Many have given comments on this, and it is not a new issue.....and we talked this out to our religious man.........apart from preparing ourselves spiritually........it is not wrong to get ready, in materials form, and always expecting each day is our last existence on earth.
All sewn, washed, packed and keep them within easy reach, anytime, till the day arrives...........
Interesting! Your customs are very different from our own.
Of course, as you say, the spiritual preparation is needed -- to us it is the most important part. I am ready, spiritually, but that is all that is required. We do not need a white sheet, or a pillow sham or a body cover. When we die it is hoped that we have left instructions as to what our wishes are for our "remains" -- that is, our bodies that are no longer needed. Some people choose to be cremated. My father was cremated and my husband wants this done to his body.
Some people choose to be buried, either in the ground or in a "vault" -- rather like a "drawer" that is in a special place. My husband's parents were "buried" in this way. When we choose this type of burial we choose a coffin -- these are either made from wood or from metal, and they are lined with quilted satin cloth. Some are plain and some are quite ornate. My husband would like something very plain and since he has chosen to be cremated, his choice will be granted.
I haven't come to a conclusion as to what I want to happen to my "left-over" body. That is still being thought about.
May I ask, what happens to your body after you use the white bed sheet, pillow sham, and body cover?
Where does your body go -- is it buried?
i love white bed linens...bersih dan suci..
Anita, thanks for your interest.
Not all Muslims make this preparations of what they should lay on.......it is just before the preparation for burial begins.
You may visit here for more details.
this is new to me. how interesting. a very respectful preparation. :)
baca post ni...sayu rasa hati...
Terkenangkan diri sendiri...
MATI...sesuatu yg pasti...bilakah masa tidak kita ketahui..
Kak Diah, thank you for the post. We try to prepare for many things in life but this is perhaps one of the things that we most often overlook. Thank you again for the reminder.....
Betul... tak ramai yang jahit dan sediakan awal-awal...
Nykolett, me too..... so pure!
kak D... this post means a lot to me.. its like a reminder, so that we are prepared for... emmm thinking of doing the same...
Alviana, sometimes we overlooked this and assume someone will take care for us when the time comes...
Actuall they are for the whole family and for others too to share.
SCLover, masa KDee di minta buat ni untuk kawan terkedu dan sayu hati tengok dia, macam dia dah nak pergi...
Ini mengingatkan kita semua akan ke sana jua akhirnya....!
Haslina dan Yati,
Kawan KD ramai yang telah buat persiapan ini... Kita yang ada keupayaan menjahit rasanya patut ada tersedia dirumah.... walaupun ada yang tertawa dan mencemuh...
Mila, syukur kerana post ini dapat memberi sedikit menfaat dan saling mengingati antara kita.....
Hayati, I am so glad that this post has brought some new dimensions to our urge of living for survival and collectible, while waiting for the eternity at anytime, anywhere......
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