Who can possibly do some sewing in this situation...... I wonder!
Having a very skilled hubby in constructions and building management works I can't stop him from ransacking my sewing corner too..... now he has almost completing the renovations at the final part of the house.
Since I took over the dining area as my fav
ourite corner, hubby demolished BOY's room to replace the dining and I am so happy that I have a bigger dry kitchen.... finally!
I am now residing in the master-bedroom to sew our baju kurung for the coming 'Eid..... with most of the time air conditioning is on, and most of the time too I snoozed more than finishing my tasks...... :D
Having a very skilled hubby in constructions and building management works I can't stop him from ransacking my sewing corner too..... now he has almost completing the renovations at the final part of the house.
Since I took over the dining area as my fav
I am now residing in the master-bedroom to sew our baju kurung for the coming 'Eid..... with most of the time air conditioning is on, and most of the time too I snoozed more than finishing my tasks...... :D
Wahhhh the constructions finally reached your crafting area !! .... Cant wait for the outcome when the whole renovation is finally over
Selamat Berpuasa Kak Dee !!
he he :)
Ann, selamat berpuasa dear.
Dah tak larat nak dok dlm bilik jer... nak jalan-jalan cuci mata pun rasa letih...! Mmmmm sedih!
Shima, kita serupa ker????? Iya lah tuh.... :D
sempat ke nak masak rendang kat dapur baru tu kak D hihi
Josh Healy, have done so..... thanks!
Mila, kalut nak raya baru nak merebak sampai ke dapur..... InsyaAllah sempat rasanya.....
Tapi sedih sudut jahitan KD masih tak siap lagi.... :(
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