Received a call on Tuesday night from my kids in BK3 while hubby and I were having dinner ........ my heart throbbing fast, felt like bursting and my head was heavy and we had to make a fast move. My son called that KNia (eldest daughter) was having a 'blackout' in her office and was send to PPUM. The next hour I was on my way to KL, of course I did not drive, I took a bus with my niece Najua (so happened that she stayed with me for a week and hubby could not make it since he had a major meeting to attend the next morning). On my way, I was relieved to hear that she was discharged. The result of her CT scan showed no major injury on her forehead and her left eye though the patches of blue-black started to appear. That was it...... and what else we (Najua & me) could do in 5 hours journey.
In a way thanks to God that I could join my kids again a week later after our reunion at my sister's place in Ipoh.
Then we had a fun time and went shopping the whole 3 solid days with KNia having a one-eyed-Panda-with-sunglasses . Amongst other minor things like ribbons, buttons, wooden pegs, cards and etc, etc...... I found these for myself......
These books and magazines were collected from The Curve's MPH and Borders and Sungai Wang book stand.
These fabrics came from Jalan TAR's Nagoya and the bottom most from IKEA (sorry Tini, I had to buy cos I love yours)
After the good news that my kids were all back at BK3 I did finally realized that I was in a double-deck bus and sitting right at first-front-row and on the first floor level.... could you imagine vision were so breathtaking that I could fly off the window glass screen..... just giggled on and off with Najua cos it was her first timer too.
In a way thanks to God that I could join my kids again a week later after our reunion at my sister's place in Ipoh.
Then we had a fun time and went shopping the whole 3 solid days with KNia having a one-eyed-Panda-with-sunglasses . Amongst other minor things like ribbons, buttons, wooden pegs, cards and etc, etc...... I found these for myself......

Wow hwat a share you had alot going on in oneday orso...Well glad all is well with the daughter and nice finds for your self and yes a girl has got to do ....
Thanks Lani. Your comments and joyful life really give a spark and glitter my day.
Kak Diah, fida ni rasa macam dah pernah jumpa ngan kak diah kat Cottage patch..tapi tak tau lah plak kot salah org. ada 2-3 bulan lepas masa fida ke cottage patch, ada sorang kakak ni dok tolong buatkan kerja untuk cottage patch punya people lah..tapi kalau tak silap dia kenalkan nama dia sebagai kak fauziah..entah lah ingat ngan tak ingat nama dia..dia dok tolong buatkan applique untuk mr chan. dan kakak ni cakap dia biasanya dok ulang alik kekl dan kalau tak silap alor star juga dok tengok2 anak2 dia yg masih kerja kat kl ni...tulah bila saya baca entry kak diah yg kali ni terasa macam saya pernah kenal ngan kak diah. tapi kalau saya dapat tengok gambar kak dia betul2 memang sah saya boleh kenal. tapi tila macam saya cakap takut salah orang..heheh.
kak.. not problem at all.. :)
the fabric is too pretty... who can resist? :p
Fida, such a pity that we could not meet during my last visit to KL. What really matters was I could be with all my kids when they really needed me. Knew they were..then. Well may be Fida some other time ... no the lady was not me, cos at CP I just say hello, got my sewing materials and left. You are so eager huh... come over to the North!
Thanks Tini, well since you are not far from my home at Bandar Kinrara 3, may be we could meet one day too.. or at least you can be my eye-spy for some good fabrics in town.... just joking!!!!!Anyway how was your Epal class going on?
heheh..yelah kak diah...wrong person..hahah..anyway..maybe next time..
Hi sis,
Thanks for stopping by my site & leave memorable, kind comments.
You have such a lovely blog! Me loike this so much. If only I could quilt like you do.One day, one day...
I've been buying Quilting magz (anything related to beautiful country things normally :)but I haven't started learning a thing. Can't even sew a button! But I intend to learn on my own first.
Cheers sis & I'll be back *wink*
MariaFaizal, buying magz is a good start for some interest.. just make it a reality then.
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