Though I was a bit behind, I had just made it on time........Will post to you MUS.... but wondering if I still have all the addresses stored somewhere..................
p/s Finally the image was uploaded..... already posted on March 1st..... Mus, hoping you are happy with the outcome!
kak Dee.. patutlah sunyi sepi.. PC demam rupanyer.. semoga PC cepat sembuh.. rindu nak tgk gmbr2 hasil jahitan kak Dee..
Zila, thanks for your concern. Upgrading brings desaster... just a while though!
Hari-hari lain sibuk pulak dengan aktiviti persatuan dan keluarga... will be at my sewing room soon!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nape nape nape ilang lama sgt
owang kat cni dah rindu taw. ari2 jenguk blog kot2 la ado..tp xde uwaaaaaaaaaaa
lawo bebenor cik kema tgk kain tu
huhu.. i likeeeeeeeeeeee..
Cik Kema, KD la ni sebok sangat2 dengan WI.... Terima kasih lah berkunjung!
Mrs Fedex..... glad you love the block... dah sampai ke!
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