My girls really know how to make me guilty....... These are the fabrics they have accumulated since the past three years when I was unable to sew for us.
Can't do much sewing per day since we have the Tadarus each day and night prayer perform as scheduled.....
Some of the completed baju kurung Pahang and Johor for our coming Eid...... The first three on the right

are mine and the rest belongs to the girls plus few more stacked up fabrics which I have yet to sew ...... Need some embroidery add on to some of the baju kurung .......if time permit.
Hope can finish up on time and the girls will have them all ready for the 'Aidil Fitri.
wow... so many. how many girls u have? they all look fabulous. good luck with ur raya preparation :)
Alviana, have 2 girls but sounds like 10, :D ... I owed them so many things in terms of sewing!
ramai gegirl nii best.. mcm2 fesyen baju bole buat.
Salam kak.. Banyaknya baju kak... sempat sulam tak? sure meriah di hari raya.. hehe...yang lagi best.. semua saiz sama jer.. :)
Need to see a picture of you wearing one. I especially like the one that was somewhat in the middle -- white background with blue design.
Mila, kDee cuma tau buat baju kurung aja.... masa my girls kecil dulu ada jga buat berbagai pesyen.... sekarang hobby buat patchwork dan quilting aja.
Zila.... a'ah kan sama saiz baju.... sebenarnya memang saiz sama cuma baju kDee labuh sikit, sebab Kdee tinggi dari anak2....
Anita, will post one of our family picture to you if you are interested! Thanks!
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