The 20 pieces as above was sent after the one lost on the way to my home....... Today everything was corrected, after all the hustle bustle, and the Post Master came to clarify on my door step, we agree to declare that it was lost on my premise....... hooooo what a deal.... I have to say so to save all the mess......
Zura, thanks a lot for the lovely flowers..... I really appreciate them all.
All seems like a very pleasant dilemma to be in, but frustrating nonetheless.
Salam Kak Dee.. the flowers look very pretty... nampaknya berkembang lagi la taman Kak Dee..
yang hilang tu.. hmmmm.. bukan rezeki kita la nampaknya kak... :(
Zila, sedih tau. Susah payah Zura buat pas tu pos...tiba2 tak sampai kat tangan KDee.....
Posto tu kata memang dah antaq kat umah...tapi tak ada....sebelum ni tak pernah ada kehilangan apa2. Memang bukan rezeki KDee kan.... :(
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