On the April 17th marked our 27th wedding anniversary......... we were happy to be with our three children at BK3. Nothing fancy, just a small gathering and a small feast for lunch cooked by our son (the-chef-to-be by whom major in western food and pastry). The best dish was this.....
Fished out fresh from the sea by hubby during his last trip to Pulau Payar, Kedah.
And Hubby gave me this to spoil me more.....
Thanks DIA .... love you true and thro'.......
Fished out fresh from the sea by hubby during his last trip to Pulau Payar, Kedah.
And Hubby gave me this to spoil me more.....

But the best gift was to be with ALL the family members..... Abah and Mama love you ....... Nia, Darr, Boy.
kak dee dearie.. congratulations on ur 27th anniversary.
semoga kak dee bersama suami n anak2 hidup bahagia hingga hujung nyawa ...
:) take care
Kak Diah,
Congrats !! Semoga Allah merahmati perkahwinan kak Diah dan Suami selalu.
Wahhh Boy haibat ! Nak kena rasa nih satu hari Boy punya masakan
Kak Dee,
happy 27th anniversary!
may happiness surround you two and your family.
"a good wife gives happiness and long-life to her husband" :)
patut la tak leh mai kenduri kita....understood...n congratulations! ...waaa new gadget huh?
Happy anniversary kak Dee.. Seronok tgk lappy baru Kak Dee.. heee..
Kak.. sudilah kiranya menerima award di blog saya yer.. tq..
tahniah for KD and suami!
nak kena kejar ni...hehehe to be 27th anniv... semoga kekal bahagia!
Pah, thanks for the lovely wish... InsyaAllah.
Ann, thanks!
Will call you when is here in A/Staq during his sem-break by next month.
True, Dura dear.... hope you too are as such phrases told. Take care!
Khis, thanks. Rezki lah namanya...
Take care dear and watch closely the two boys for Ummi... (tumpang cucu orang :D)
Zila, thanks.....
Will collect the award shortly, thanks again!
Niza, thanks.... in no time it will come knocking at your door!
Happy anniversary K.Diah!! thats a great number and i wish for your happiness and blissful more coming years :)
congrats Diah...muga bahagia berkekalan hingga akhir hayat...
Congratulation on you 27th anniversary. Will you have many more to come.
Happy Anniversary, Kak Diah. I pray for many, many more years of happiness for the two of you.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Thanks Alviana... just take care of your goodself, dear.
Terima kasih Aida. Doa KDee untuk keluarga Aida juga... InsyaAllah.
Hanim.... thank you dear.
Haslina, thanks. My prayer to yours too, dear.
Rhonda, thank you. Have a nice day and happy stitching....!
Happy Anniversary to you too! Yup! Looks like we share the same date to celebrate our love to our spouse!
Happy 27th Anniversary.
Thanks, Za.....
Thanks, Mina....
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