Our latest WI Annual State Meets was held about 2 weeks ago.
As usual all the protocol which involved the Royalty. But here I would like to make an entry about a little achievements. Nothing but craft related, though.
It was paid off when I did these two while accompanying Nia in the hospital bed....... I was so happy and it all worth it.
Not really as good as some of our local RE and stitchers which are many and some have their own design and do a delicate and very intricate handworks. But I am most happy that my effort were appreciated amongst our NGO groups, and I am quite contented now...... will do more better works in my next projects I hope.......

Here are the final products of the head scarf and the draw string bag which each has won a first place individually. These two are now at our WI HQ for the next level representing Kedah state............. Although I have very little hope ..... just give them a try and pray hard................ :D
It was paid off when I did these two while accompanying Nia in the hospital bed....... I was so happy and it all worth it.
Not really as good as some of our local RE and stitchers which are many and some have their own design and do a delicate and very intricate handworks. But I am most happy that my effort were appreciated amongst our NGO groups, and I am quite contented now...... will do more better works in my next projects I hope.......
Here are the final products of the head scarf and the draw string bag which each has won a first place individually. These two are now at our WI HQ for the next level representing Kedah state............. Although I have very little hope ..... just give them a try and pray hard................ :D
kak dee.. tahniah...
pah dapat no 1 .. malu jugak sebb 1st time buat RE, area arau
:) mak mertua yg wakil kan.... kak dee kenal tak sharifah zakiah syed mohamed.... shes my mum in law... n president WI .....
good luck kak dee
pah ade cite pasal kakde very active kat mu MIL.. she s interested nk jumpe kak dee
pah ponnnnn tringin nk jumpe kak dee.. one fine day ok sis
Tahniah Pah....wah dah dapat menjadi wakil daerah dan negeri Perlis.
Maybe one fine day KD pun teringin nak jumpa Pah dan your MIL. Maybe di peringkat kebangsaan masa ada activiti di HQ mungkin bolih jumpa......
KD pun rasa malu gak sebab tak cantik mana pun... tapi seronok sebab hasil usaha kita, kan Pah.
Okay Pah, just take care dear!
wah...K.Dee dh mengharumkan nama Kedah ni...:) tahniah K.Dee...& to K.Pah also...
Bangga anak Kedah...hehe..keep it up..
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