I could not run away from my sewing corner for all the reasons in the world...... but I am diverting myself from the embroidery things. Its getting in to my nerves.......I am relieving myself but still on sewing..... In just an hour, my escaped was fruitful cos I made this for me.
Now back to embroidery again...... :)
Anyway, has anyone seen an apple of this color in reality?
Kak Dee~nasib baik banyak sewing machine.. bleh tukar2.. hehe.. cantik la fabrik tu.. :D
Yati pun sama. Tengah knit, break jap, buat cross stitch pula. Cepat bosan kadang-kadang.
A very nice finish. And well, maybe that apple is not really an apple and something else. A blue berry or some sort of berry.lol!!
Memang betul kakDee..although we are bless with doing the things we love on a daily basis..sometimes we just need a breather...just to break the normal cycle....dengan teknologi kite yang semakin canggih we will soon get blue apples...memang unique material tu.
cakap pasal escape,..I've relaxing far too long.,..but the target for this week looks promising.
Kak Dee, kagum sangat dengan hasil yg telah di post dalam blog ini. It's motivates me to carry on with my Double Wedding Pattern project..
Kak Dee, kagum sangat dengan hasil yg telah di post dalam blog ini. It's motivates me to carry on with my Double Wedding Pattern project..
Zila, mesin sekadar untuk berhobi tu adalah.... Fabric koleksi lama2 tak dah ingat beli di mana ..... :D
Yati, kadang2 tu adalah juga bosan kalau terlalu banyak dan lama mengadap sesuatu projek.... satu pelarian yang berfaedah, bagus juga kan!
Preeta, thanks for dropping by. I agree with you, they could be a berry and its kind. :)
Rosni, project kecil2 tu pun seronok buat sebab cepat nampak hasil....
Just wish one day it will appear, the blue apples, before our eyes... :D
Hanim dear, yes, where have you been?
Oh something new!!! Can't wait to see! :D
Neng, love to see your works too.... Double Wedding Rings is due soon I guess!
starting mac i plan to make lots of things for me n my kids hihih.. tinggi cita2 ..
love fabric la KD
Pah, well planned projects... selalunya akan mendatang hasil yang baik.... Pah nak buat apa agaknyer!
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