It was a tough job sewing this moses basket..... and after struggling and slogging for two days, finally it was done. Alhamdulillah. This is for Puan Hajah Zuraida.

During the constructions, I made sure that this basket wrapper could stands on its own. So the base and wall lining were battered and stippled accordingly and all raw edges were bounded with bias using the same fabrics. The wall lining at the hooded part was shaped to that of the weaved flow of rattan basket.
The hood cover was trimmed with lace and gathered with elastic band and has no batting. To secure it in place, a ribbon was sewn on each sides, and finally it will pair with another one from the wall lining.
To get the fabric consumed less, I replaced the base with bold material...... it hides perfectly well though .... :)

An attempt to sew the binder to all edges after attaching the lace. The lace was sewn taper-off on each end of tie-attachments.

During the constructions, I made sure that this basket wrapper could stands on its own. So the base and wall lining were battered and stippled accordingly and all raw edges were bounded with bias using the same fabrics. The wall lining at the hooded part was shaped to that of the weaved flow of rattan basket.
The hood cover was trimmed with lace and gathered with elastic band and has no batting. To secure it in place, a ribbon was sewn on each sides, and finally it will pair with another one from the wall lining.
To get the fabric consumed less, I replaced the base with bold material...... it hides perfectly well though .... :)
An attempt to sew the binder to all edges after attaching the lace. The lace was sewn taper-off on each end of tie-attachments.
MasyaAllah cantiknye! :D Seems very difficult to follow the awkward shape of the basket. Amazing job. ^^
Cantiknya kak diah...bestnya kalu saya pandai dan rajin mcm akak...
siap dah... sungguh cepat.. tak terkejar kami semua.. ngeeee.. cantik kak..cantik... saya sungguh kagum... :D (next...) hehehehe
Manis nye corak teddy bear in safe colour..brown.. boy or girl pun padan...kalau ade kain lebih KDeee bole buat cover handle guna teknik velcro ...lembut sikit nak pegang bagitukang mengusung crib tu..
.. tetiba terfikir.. ianya dipanggil moses basket sebab mcm basket yg diletak didalm nya NAbi Isa dan dihanyutkan di sungai Nil ke eks..
never tried this.. kalau boleh try sekali best jugak kan.. nampak cantik sgt
Aneesah, thanks. Alhamdulillah... berjaya siapkan.
Pianina, tq. Project yang pertama kali buat selalunya semangat dia lebih... nak tengok hasil. Alhamdulillah.
Zila, terima kasih...... berpeluh juga.... masa nak potong2 kain tuh :)
Ros, thanks for the suggestions.... It was absolutely fantastic ideas and will add in the cover soon.
Thanks again, Ros!
Mila, bab asal usul nama tu agak nyer betul kut....kan.
Cuba Mila buat satu kalau ada peluang..... Buat warna yang ceria, biar nampak meriah :)
Cantiknye,...finish product very beautiful and neat. I am amazed at your ability to do all sorts within short time frame.
really nice...i don't think i have the patience to do this :P
tersangat cantik... sy tak leh bayang nk buat camne.. :) sebb memang tak tau.... huhuhu
kak... tak bleh nak bayangkan cemana nak start benda nih...lem *** sungguh..kalau dekat , sya nak p tgk + pegang + belek.. huhuhu. cantik + neat !!!kak..
saya dah lama nak tahu mcm mana nak buat cover basket ni,sebab adik suruh jahitkan untuk dia,sebab dah kotor dan berhabuk,terima kasihlah sebab share..
Hanim dear, thanks.
Not often do we get this type of project and my opportunity to try. Have to run with time, always. Alhamdulillah, it turns out well.. :)
opsiedaisy, thanks.... just give anything a try..... you never knew, it could be fun!!!
Pah, tq dear. KakDee pulak tak pandai nak buat tutorials. Nak ajar, Pah dok jauh....Kalau Pah nak cuba KD leh ajar mana yang termampu... :)
SCLover, tak cuba tak tau kan... KD pun baru cuba2..... mai try buat ramai2!
ct N honey, nampak clear ker.... closeup detail macam tak berapa lengkap. Kol KD kalau perlu... :) Selamat mencuba.....!
That basket looks absolutely beautiful!!. I am sure its real hard work....but done with perfection.
Preeta, thanks dear. It was a tough job, but the satisfaction is beyond words... Lots more effort for improvements.... :)
I wish i'll have talent like you to do this...... :)
KakD, all I can say is, you're one talented lady!
Nizacraft, thanks... how KD wish bolih ajar semua ....!
Zara dear, thanks, you works are equally stunning and amazed me often!
Tersangat kagum dgn apa yg telah K.Dee postkan dan masyaAllah begitu banyak yg K.Dee buat pelbagai macam. I felt very ashamed of myself for not making any progress yet..
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