These are part of the task that I am enforcing now......endless tablecloths and pillowcases. One piece at a time and they are queuing patiently to get embroidered!

Whilst the machine humming gently besides me........ on the other hand I am getting these basket to get wrapped. Baskets from IKEA and beautiful cotton fabric by owner.....!

Clean looking basket..nak pakaikan baju ke?Mesti manis ya..bright floral fabric against white background.
woooowwweeee... byknyer embroidery... :D
sambil2 menyulam, sambil2 menjahit, sambil2 cross stitching.. caya lah Kak.. :D
Rosni, just an inner wrapped only..... :)
Zila..... a'ah, semua sambil2..... sambil2 buat kerja rumah dan masak juga.... :)
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