Rainbows Republic
*handmade bags galore!*

Wrist pouches
RM21 (including postage)
The right outfit may take you so far, but the right bag will put you in the perfect cheerful mood! :D These handmade wrist pouches are super adorable, aren't they? ;)
~Hope your Mondays will be a little more colourful, instead of just blue!~
Happy Shopping!
Your Shopping Kaki :)
Look at those............... they are mine! Reviewed by Your Shopping Kaki via Rainbows Republic . I am so happy .......
They're gorgeous sis!
You deserve all the great reviews & I envy you! At 34 I have never operated a single sewing machine!
Sigh... That's gonna change from this weekend on :D
Thanks to YOU & Alviana (as Alvi's is 10 years younger than me but she sews like she has done it forever :)
Maria, just a simple words of encouragement. The rest is yours to take, Maria. Do something simple for a start to someone you love, the rewards will flow within and gradually will show outside you... effortlessly.
BTW I am 20 years older than you, do you still envy me!!!LOL.
someone is talking bout me here.. hehehe.. i'm flattered... thnx sis maria...ok ok not bout me, it's bout k.diah..
all i can say is, WOW.. dat bag are soooooo cute and latest trend... my hands is itchy now... hehehe
k.diah had inspired me a lot! i'm so glad!
Alviana, Maria inspires by your sewing.... it is great that somehow we could 'give' smthing and in return we 'gain' smthing.... unknowingly.... and friends too.
I know you love the bag...heh heh!
Hi Kak Diah, first time datang sini...wow....cantiknya bags dan semua benda yg kak buat di sini...terpegun saya...
saya bloghop dari jaja.....ntah sape punya blog ada link ke blog you...rasanya blgo Sew Cute...
Kak Diah duk area around KL ke? di mana? saya duk Shah Alam...
Kak Diah mengajar kelas apa ya? quilting ke, menyulam ke... atau ??
seronoknya dapat buat semua craft ni..tapi saya sibuk sangat kerja...
anyway..baru bukak satu e-shop baru...ButtonPlanet...kalau kak diah nak beli exclusive buttons utk kerja2 craft kak diah, boleh lah order dari kami ya...
opppsss..lupa nak cakap...saya nak link blog akak di blog saya...
nanti akak link lah blog saya ya...
Button Planet,
Thanks for visiting and have visited and linked yours. Love most of your lovely button collections... will contact you....
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