Enrolled myself to the Women Institutions (WI), a non-government-organization, since I came back to stay at Alor Setar. A lot have I learned and gained from this society whereby we move mostly for charity and fun raising activities.

The projects that we did last weekend was about crafting namely decoupage, molding and patchworks and occupied the whole day.

Actually we learned the basics of how-tos only. The rest have to be our own creativity and by next month during our annual meet we have to display our crafty works and a small reward will be given to the most creative projects.
Well, ladies start using your magic fingers........!
salam KD. my MIL pon dulu akttif WI kat arau perlis.... she s so passionate about WI.. now she s 70 .. but still encourage me doing sewing n to get involve in society
W'salam. Dulu Kd pun minat, tapi tak sempat nak aktif. La ni, smpat gak nak join kawan2, jalan2 cari ilmu..
Wah syokny kalu ada WI ni kan kak D..:( agaknya sabah especially tempat mas ni tak de kot...Suka kalu ada...boleh ikut...
Mas, memang banyak faedah tapi tuntutan masa dan banyak kerja kebajikan harus diutamakan dalam WI.
Wow..sis really active.Teringin nak join such group.If hubby permits & opportunity occurs - I'll grab it.Cheers sis:)
Banyak activity WI... termasuk masak, jahitan, lawatan dan kerja2 amal. Sibuk pelbagai hingga I miss my swimming a lot.
great! this is new type of craft for me.. look so fun with friends crafting togther right? :)
Yes it is smthing new to venture.
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