that I made two identical sets of tea cosy for our local WI meets and I submitted only one set.
See all bright yellows and I love this colour dearly.
Well, actually I am not that hard working old girl......................... I made this tea cosy REVERSIBLE! So what say you?
k.diah. Love it love it love it! The color r so cheerful and very happy color. And it's reversible? that it totally brilliant. It match together. I just love it!
It is simple and fast to make. If you are interested I'll email u the pattern after my short pause to KL...see u and happy sewing.
This is simply adorable!
I'm day dreaming now... having to create these beautiful stuff..hmm........
It is beautiful in its own simplicity. You can give it a try. I did sketched out some details regarding this and will email you soon. Just give it a go, Maria. And see how it turns out to be... sure u can. Anyway how was your sewing with your little cutie machine?
Very nice work that you did! I love the colors. Take care.
Thanks. Just give myself a brake and do something cute for a change. Hope could do more.
cantik nya...bright and beautiful..tgk u punya mcm nak buat pulak..
Cuba lah Aida. Mudah dan cepat siap. Kalau nak hadiah kat sesiapa pun cantik gak. Nanti KD emailkan design kalo draft KD dah siap. Masih dalam proses lagi.
Cantiknya tea cosy U. Luv it.
Thanks. Love yours too.
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