Just managed to fetch this tag from a dear friend
NAIZ. Thanks Naiz! Need to answer all the questionnaires.......
>Nama Timangan Anda (Your nick-name)Hubby and my children call me Mama. Most of my closest they call me Diah, Cik Diah, KakDee . To the younger generations, I am their Ummi.
>Anda seorang Yang (What type of person are you)
To a newly acquainted friend I am the reserved type... wait till they know me ;-p)... I am the most joyful lady on earth and have ears for everyone!
>Insan Yang Teristimewa (Your most beloved)
Love of my heart are my Husband and my children...... and the rest of family members and all my friends..... ESPECIALLY all the blogger!
>Lagu Kesukaan(Fav songs)
Melancholic, blues and reggae
>Makanan Kesukaan Anda (Fav Foods)
Spicy .... no, no to cold stuff, got cold-brain
>Sikap Yang Buat Anda Stress (Someone's Attitude That Makes You Stress)Hypocrite
>Warna Kegemaran Anda (Fav Colours)Red and Black
>Benda Yang Mesti Ada Dalam Henbag (A must in your handbag)My purse, hand phone, personal cards, pen and notebook
>Kali Terakhir Anda Menangis (Last cried)Few days ago..... was given something precious!
>Tag Untuk rakan anda (Tag your friends)Like to forward this to 5 dearies and newly known blogger:-
- Balkhis
- Darr
- Angeliquez
- Diesha
- HaniSyahida