Another baby set. This belongs to
Puan Fazlina and she is expecting a girl.
Looks familiar? Many has fallen in love with this, and my 5th of
The Happy House design.

As usual

machine applique and quilt-in-the-ditch through out and quite lofty. The inserts for this sets are kapok. Some tiny trimming and simple design for all cases.
seriously...i need to make one myself...kak D..tolongggg...sungguh lawa... p/s: i'm done with 2nd semester...it's going to be almost 2 mths of sem break...=)
It's so lovely Kak Diah. Ada guna template ke? Would love to make one!
WOW!!! the set is soooo pwetty and pink.. lucky the owner of the set.. I love the houses, they are wonky with personality and very neat as always akak.. you are definitely my idol *hugs*
p/s - the pic size is big *grin* puas membelek.. thx!!
Wahhh cantiknya Kak Diah ! Lovely ... the house especially .. just the type I like ... Sibuk2 dgn aktiviti WI pun masih sempat nih ... You are great Kak Diah !
Kak Dee.. cantiknya.. so yummy like cotton candy... suka btol..
Khis, tolong ajar leh lah...
Mai umah, tapi semak sikit. Dah mula kerja ker, mai sebelah petang. Kol dulu yer!
Haslina, thanks! Ya ada template! Interested??
My Botang, thanks.... A soft-pink beauty for a baby girl and few pondok2 to play with!
Ann, kena selit2 gak ngan menjahit! Thank you.
Zila, thanks..... yummy, right. Make one for yourself :D
assalammualaikum k dee,
wah k dee... kalau shima dapat lagi suka..he he..ini kan baby... waaa... kecik2 tak dapat pakai blanket ni.. huhu
W'salam Shima.
Buat untuk diri sendiri bolih juga .... Shima mampu buat kan!! :D
Oh, my, that is one beautiful quilt! I love it!! I think you just did a super job -- you are so clever and talented.
Thanks, Anita!
ting tong....K.Dee ado umah tak?
hikhik....cik kema dtg singgah :)
wahhhhh...rumah tu sgt2 chomel aaaa KD. tangan abih gatal2 sbb dah lama tak wat kerja tangan (apo la ayat ku ini)
Rindu la sob sob sob
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