Finally it flew its way to Wani today at Bentley WA, Perth.
Hope Wani could sleep tight from the day she received this Storm at Sea.
My wish you are happy and study well and begets whatever your dreams are.... TAKE CARE DEAR... we all love you and our du'a will flow alongside you where ever you are!
P/S Those who wish to make the same please visit here
-Wani has received this on the 27th May 2010
My wish you are happy and study well and begets whatever your dreams are.... TAKE CARE DEAR... we all love you and our du'a will flow alongside you where ever you are!
P/S Those who wish to make the same please visit here
-Wani has received this on the 27th May 2010
p/s: those who wish to do d same, pls visit! hehehehe rasa mcm pesanan tu dituju khas pada i hikhik... but i know here means @ no 49 kekekeke will visit u soon dear.. patut masuk keja isnin depan but i had 'other' plan for the whole next week..will reveal when d time comes ;-)
Aduh Khis, KDee banyak benda nak buat sampai June ni....
Apa lah pulak tuh? nak ajak jalan2 cari fabric yer... nak p SP habaq na. Nak service machine!
That's beautiful!
WOW, nak nangis tengok.. all the hard word!! the quilting is perfect and so neat.. how long did it take you from cutting the faby, to assembling the top, quilting to binding..
p/s - could you adopt me?? *GRIN*
Kak Dee.. backing tu fabric dia sama ke mcm the quilt top?
Cantik nyer.. untung Wani... Nanti saya dapat further study oversea saya inform Kak Dee na... ;)
FeatherDuster, thank you!
My Botang, it took me a while to complete, about a month, roughly.
Thanks for the compliments!
Zila, thanks. InsyaAllah mana tau kalau rezeki ada..... kalaulah KD mampu memang nak bagi pada semua..
Backing tu just one piece of fabric, 60" lebar.
adoiii cantiknyer kakdee!!!..I love blue !
Tq, Salmi ....... :)
kak dee cantiknya.......kak dee mmg ada da boom lah...
Tq, Fida... :)
So beautiful!!!
Tq, Janovi... :)
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