A couple of hours ago, she came!!!!!!!
Who could that be?????????......... ANN from the CraftyAnique
She was just like her old self....the all-rounder Ann, that loves to do all sorts of thing, cracked jokes and laughs a lot.....and in the blink of an eye she was actually there sitting on my fav chair and at my sewing table.... then she was gone, leaving me........ And now her shadow keeps haunting me....
Ann, wait till we have the whole time in the
world to chat while our hands busy sewing................ yes, sewing............ She really is sewing now and she showed me her swollen thumb and scorched hand..... poor girl..... but it is typical of her.... an accident prone!!!!!
Managed to snap her handmade stuff........
Who could that be?????????......... ANN from the CraftyAnique
She was just like her old self....the all-rounder Ann, that loves to do all sorts of thing, cracked jokes and laughs a lot.....and in the blink of an eye she was actually there sitting on my fav chair and at my sewing table.... then she was gone, leaving me........ And now her shadow keeps haunting me....
Ann, wait till we have the whole time in the
Managed to snap her handmade stuff........
Yes Kak Diah .. it s odd that many-many years back when you showed me your quilts I was never really keen .. pandang sebelah mata ja ... now that I m into sewing I m sure we have a lot more to talk when we re swimming (yes people, we used to be avid swimmers ... harap swimsuit lama masih muat) hahaha
Its good that I look quite slimmer in the photo ... thanks to the photographer !! hehehe
re phrase " ... its good that i look quite slim .." salah grammar tu .. haha
Kak Dee, tak sangka pulak Ann yang kak Dee selalu mention tu is my Kak Ann!!...I've known her for so many years.. dan mcm tak percaya pulak yang kak Ann akhirnya minat menjahit??... She's a very creative person and I always admire her drawings...Good luck with your sewing kak Ann... and kak Dee, how's your SAL? hehe
Ann, how I wish you could hold on to this hobby, surpass the rest... I bet you!
Yoon, what a small world! Yeah, maybe one day we could meet and gather around with the rest....! Look forward to it soon!
Alamak, masih tiada ruang yang KD bleh selit kan XS tu. InsyaAllah tak lambat dah.... paling lewat hujung June ni....
Yoon ...... jangan tak tau Kak Diah Yoon tu pandai graphic !!! kerja kemas selalu ... when she started sewing I was doing everything else except that .... teruk lah Yoon .... punya tak percaya orang dah menjahit sampai nak tengok mcm2 clue kat blog kak ann masih tak yakin ... she only believed its me when she saw my picture in your blog Kak Diah .. thank you for reuniting us back !
nanti balik kita lepak ramai-ramai .. insya Allah ok !
Ann, jangan exaggerate sangat tntng KDee.....nnti KDee jatuh terperosok bawah meja jahit, Ann tak dapat cari pulak!!!!
Hope leh jumpa geng2 jahit ni.... soon.... sapa nak join leh juga!
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