All ready to be delivered.......... consist of

: 2 sets of pillow cases

:2 blue pillow cases and a matching table cloth plus a piece of green

:10 pieces of tablecloth
Hope my embroidery machine will have a good rest this weekend for I am off for some new thing to learn......... will update later.
Have a nice weekend to all.
cantiknyer kak.. kalo mak saya tgk ni mesti mak saya geram nih..! hehe.. :)
project baru lagi ke kak? tak sabar nak tunggu nih.. :)
You have been really busy! Surely the embroidery was done by hand! I can't believe it was done on a machine.
Zila, why not you make one dan hadiah kat mak..... nnti mak lebih sayang kat Zila... :)
Ada kursus ker....
Winifred, yes I am very busy... lots of pending projects.
Seriously it was done by machine, or I would not be able to produce such a bundle..... :D
Cantik series Kak Diah .. ni kalau Tok dgn Mak ann tengok sure menangis terharu .. jarang dah tengok mcm ni. Dulu Tok dgn Mak ann rajin la dok buat... buat "saprah" (huduh kan nama)
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