I have to keep my own promises to complete at least a project for x-stitch per month. And here is the starting off of a beautiful, quilt related xs design. A very kind hearted blogger friend gave them to me few months back, thanks dear.
Well, I think it is best to invite
ALL to join me here........ anyone, especially
SHIMA ........
caiyok K.Dee...u can do it!
huhu tetiba teringat lak kat XS ainaa yg dh lama tk siap2 lg...
salam k dee,
k deeeeeeeeee, rasa nak menjerit tengok semangat k dee ni, shima dalam kepala je buat x-stitch.... insyaAllah, shima akan turut jejak langkah k dee, walaupun lambat....
xs, masih cinta pertama di hati shima... ok kak dee, deal ya...
miss u
Ainaa, semangat dari kawan2 pun bolih membakar lagi keinginan untuk berxs.....Thanks.
Jum, join sekali!
Shima, kdee pun nak tumpang semangat Shima gak ni.....!
Okay, it is a deal. Just take your time, no rush!
arghhh...sal ada few UFO of the PV design..dont know when the courage to finised it will come..hehehe..goo kak dee !
KD.. the pattern..
lupa dah apa nama designer ni..
tapi one of the xs friend, kak ros sgt suka pattern dr designer ni..
one of those days mus ada simpan pattern ni..
ni mula buat mus nak buka balik xs dlm gobok..
sama mcm kak shima..
xs still the first love..
owh.. rindunya..
Thanks Salmi. I am new to this Paula Vaughan's...... but they are such a lovely pieces of paintings transformed to cs.....yes?
Wish to see more of your masterpiece, dear. Have some good days ahead.
Mus, indeed, all are lovely design by Paula Vaughan.
Jum Mus kita mula buat cs..... design ikut dalam Paula Vaughan - Quilts For All Seasons.
Shima is on this SAL too... mai laa join jugak!
Just you take care, dear!
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