Before I could finished browsing, they jumped to me and requested that I make patchwork bear one each for them ..... oh oh .... guess they must have discussed this way back in BK3.
A Malaysian quilter, in love with quilting ever and every quilt sewn for family and friends is an act of love to provide comfort, filling a need and giving some blessings. On every stitch....... along goes my prayer and warmth ♥
Oh, I have that Playful Patchwork book. :D Memang best, although I've never been a very good/neat sewer so buat projek pun main2 je. I think I did these http://www.flickr.com/photos/aneesah/107639694/in/set-516857/ based on the bear pattern, although I omitted the patchwork part. ^^;
I think I also recall a bunny patchwork tote (no pictures of mine though), but I must've done a poor job because my dad thought the picture was of a train! =P
Aneesah, thanks for the comments .... know what, I have search high and low and read your blog (AneesahHideaway) and brows through your Flickr-200 items. Crazy girl..you are!!! How do you managed as a student and crafting, girl, really salute you!
Anyway I understand you much clearer coz we are on the same line - Architecture - but I was not on the lucky side...LOL! Quit long ago, now in seven heaven!!!!
uikss koleksi buku bertambah nie....
Naiz, anak-anak beli tanda ingatan pada kita...
Hahaha, takder ah, most of the stuff in Flickr are quite old, macam zaman lepas SPM dulu. I had loads of free time then pastu rajin plak nak try hobi2 baru ni kan.
Now I'm a struggling architecture student wishing for more free time and less panic-inducing tutorials. ><
Wish me luck though, I have years to go! ^^
I love all your patchwork stuff... those macam... omg require truckloads of patience. I tak tahan sticking to the same thing for that long. =P Really neat work! *thumbsup*
Thanks Aneesah, and I envy yours too. Wish all the best in your undertaking and hope to hear from you again. Take care dear!
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