Few years back......we had been drifted apart and so absorbed with own activities and endless commitments. But the best thing was when she first contacted me, I was fast asleep in BK3 at about 3.25am and the message was she 'found' me through this blog..... how amazing and she placed some order for these two items....... a lappy sleeve and denim patched bag.
Maybe this will be my last sewing and shall wrap up my sewing room for the 'EID'..... (wonder if I will be able to stay away from the sewing machine that long...... :))
Diah,.. I am impressed, you've managed to keep yourself occupied thru' the testing month of ramadan. My time management gone wrong,.. nothing much done. Promised myself to get busier starting tomorrow!!!!
Hanim Dear, glad I am a good influence to some here... thanks! Just as days passed by the more I feel I was left behind .... Am struggling too Hanim to have more time sewing..... All the best to you and Selamat Hari Raya!!!
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