The whole of yesterday was spent making these and completed last night. So really exhausted that can't lift even a finger anymore.... and went to sleep like a log....... :)
Feeling fresh today and here are some of the completed wrist pouches ready to be delivered. Oh... more coming... Hope I will get through to the end......of the list!
Updated post:

Some of the pouches that had been delivered. Could not keep them all for group snap cos I did the posting immediately upon completions.
salam kak dee....
suka nyer tgk pouch tu.... cumil2 sgt esp yg roses waner pink tu....
salaam sister..so sweet masha Allaah!
Amy, W'salam. Selamat berpuasa dan menyambut Syawal.....!
Angie, w'salam. Glad you came over. Miss your comments!
slm wristpouch ni still available x?berminat yg last pic yg kaler pink tu..reply asap k.tq=)
Sikakitulis, thanks berminat. Kak Dee bolih buat satu, tapi takut tak sempat sampai sebelum raya kut...!
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