Made from Japanese cotton Sashiko print. Just traced the diamond for quilting. Three compartments separated by soft netting which I came across at Kamdar previously, cotton lining and zipper.

Another little bag for Hasmawati from the left over fabric as a gift to match.
cantikkkkk cantikkk ... nak pi tengok laaa... esok i angkut kawan pi jenguk rumah leh tak? hehehe
Khis, esok mungkin dah nak pos, kalau semua clear!
Mai laa.... InsyaAllah esok ada kat umah....!
cantiknya kak dee.. look so perfect
Haida, thanks.
They are gorgeous. Did you have a pattern or make it up yourself?
Winifred, a simple pattern and used anything handy... thanks.
salam kak dee....nak ucap thanks you so so so much pada kak dee pasal saprah tutorial 2 help me soo much saya dapat jahit tempahan alas meja kawan dengan kemas dan cantik. Thanks you again for sharing.
Ida utm Jb.
Ida UTM JB, ikhlas KD paparkan untuk di kongsi bersama..... Alhamdulillah ia dapat membantu Ida. Teruskan usaha Ida... Happy stitching!
Lovely bags, just adorable.
i really love japanese shashiko...they are beautiful !
Hanim, thanks. An easy little bag... but with beautiful fabric it turns nice!
Right Aida... a lovely fabric.... well....can't get much of those design :)
sukanya beg nih.. kaler dia very bright.. tp yg paling saya suka hexy yg comel tu.. brilliant idea la kak.. suka btol...
Zila, the tiny hexagon is cute as charms too.... Make some for your own collections, Zila.
kak Dee.. will do.. one day la.. heee... will do...
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