It is almost two decades that I have left x-stitch totally. But now flipping through some xs expertise and enthusiast, I fell in love again.
Have decided to join SAL with Shima, Alynn, Yati.... and few others and while waiting for the charts to drop in my mail box I came across this beauty from my few collections of xs books and magazine.... just a few crosses.....and will update shortly.... lack of floss.....:)
Have decided to join SAL with Shima, Alynn, Yati.... and few others and while waiting for the charts to drop in my mail box I came across this beauty from my few collections of xs books and magazine.... just a few crosses.....and will update shortly.... lack of floss.....:)
KakDee join! Seronoknya rasa jahit ramai-ramai. ^_^
Yati, harap-harap sempat ligan Yati dan yang lain.... InsyaAllah.
Kalau KD buat tak betul Yati tegor lah... KD nak belajar kaedah yang betul.. selama ni hentam jer.. :O)
Welcome to the club KDee... wahhh.. bertambah meriah SAL ni.. all the best KDee. Ligan jgn x ligan.. Good luck n happy stitching *wink*
Salaam kakdee, welcome back sis! good luck in your SAL !
Alynn, glad that The SAL Group accepted me in....! Lots to learn. Thanks everyone!
Salmi, thanks.... I need all the good luck for the SAL... InsyaAllah.
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