Few days ago, I received from
Craft Valley the
FOUR SEASONS charts and will start stitching any time now using some floss available from my old shoe box...... Well, from today onwards my lovely DMC threads will be laid beautifully in the storage box, a gift by
PuanBalkhis. Thanks Khis......
I am way behind
Shima, Alynn, Yati and Nisa in this SAL ..... some almost have done half way..... so I will pay more attention to this to catch up with them........
Khis, what about you, care to join.......... :)
Salaam kakDee, gud luck ! I'm sure that you will be able to catch up with the Spring SAL members :-)
W'salam Salmi, I need that badly, thanks.
InsyaAllah will try my very best to tag along side them.... But my poor eye-sight...... :(
KD.. tak tahan hati ok..
mana nak dapatkan chart itu?
pengsanla.. hahahaha..
Salam kakDee, thank you for dropping by at umuffiz.blogspot.com. Your handwork is fabulous. Did some sewing too back then, did one for arwah but did not have the time to quilt it, he needs me more towards the end. Get Aida my cousin to hand quilt and manage to complete it for arwah to use while in the hospital. Salam perkenalan.
Mrs. Fedex, koi-koi tersangkut la tu.... Beli kat Craft Valley... sila-sila..... :O)
Ummu Hafiz, went and read through all your entries.....Allah bless you!
Sewing could eliminate some pain and a form of therapy....and salam perkenalan too.
as-salam kDee..
good luck KDee... takpe, take ur time n enjoy ur stitching ok....
Thanks Alynn, ni nak pulun... sian nanti kawan2 tunggu lama sangat pulak....
Tak berani nak commit ...kak D dah bagi warning hehe...nanti sian kawan2 lain kena tunggu Khis katanya... huhu .. tak pa..yg penting charts dah di tangan..satu hari akan dibuat juga hehe ... nak pulun siapkan stitch-a-photo anakku dahulu.... x sabar nak tgk hasilnya.. kawan2 4 seasons..caiyok2!
Khis, Kd harap gambar Najmi tu siap sebelum you are on confinement.... :D
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