One of this day I will be a CROSS-STITCH CRAZE........... ? But firstly, here are some of my earlier projects which until to date never get completed.... :) Thanks to Balkhis for persuading me to ransack my hidden chest and found all sorts of treasures....
This was stitched for my two daughters to encourage and motivate them..... before they go to their kindie class..... mmmm now after few years of their graduations, this piece never get hung up at their room.... Okay, will reserve this for my future grandchildren!!!
Meant for cushion cover. Supposed to be a pair of the same design. One completed ...still single and still as it was. About 25 years old now..... as the above!
This was framed up before.... somehow it got stained due to some splashed of liquid or so during the transporting from rental house to the present. Took off for washing, but still visible.... anyone have any suggestion regarding the stain.... I have not put any detergent, just by soaking with some laundry soap... help!
Will, get more soon..... some of them with Khis...for reference!

Will, get more soon..... some of them with Khis...for reference!
k deeeeeeeee,
cantiknya jambangan bunga tuuuu... shima pun tak tau nak guna apa ya bersihkan stain...shima pun ada masalah yg sama juga... bestnya dah ramai share buat x-stitch... tapi betullah k dee, dekat sini pun dia orang kata(pekedai) x-stitch ni macam dah ketinggalan zaman, sabor jelah... craft sepatutnya evergreen kan... tak pe ..go go go k dee & khis
Yang KD tunjuk tu semua nya lebih berusia dari 20 tahun, Shima.
Nak mula XS kena siapkan yang lain dulu... yg penting2! Lepas tu nak ligan Shima dan geng SAL.
Nampak tak cantik nak framekan balik bunga tu... kan! Nanti nak cuba kaedah lain.... guna peluntur ker????
as-salam KDee...
chantekkk aaa munge tuh..
ni musti kes byk WIP yg dah jd UFO dah ni.. takpe2, siapkan dulu yg mana ada. Pastu ligan kitorg ok... hahahahaa..
KDee cuba basuh ngan sabun yg acid-free. Sy penah terbaca kat magz pasal ni tp x penah cuba sbb so far blom faced problem cenggini.. kalo nak guna peluntur boleh je.. pastu kompem jd kain putih la.. muahahahahaaa
W'salam ALynn. Betul tu, pulun nak buat serentak, lepas tu semua ghaib. Sembunyi!
Thanks, nanti KD cuba cam ALynn suggest tu..... Ha'ah kalau okay ker tak okay ker nanti KD war-warkan.. harap2 tak rosak laa..!
ligan jgn tak ligan kak D... pembetulan ayat..."some of them with Khis" ...mana ada some...satu ja laaa uwaaaaa.... nak abis dah lalalalala... pinjam buat semangat hehehe..tapi still tok guru nya juga lebih cantik ..tolongggg huhu
Khis, sorry, lost track. Tu pun KD terkezut tup-tup keluar gambaq kat blog you.... ooh satu jer ker. Okay!
Esok bawak mai sekali baju anak you nak amik gambaq.. yer.
ecewah.. KD.. i like ok..
haha.. mus pun ada wip xs ni..
nak kena korek gobok balik dan sambung buat bersama KD la..
huhu.. how i miss those day..
me n my xs.. huhuhu..
Jum Mus jum! Ambik keluaq apa yang tersembunyik, kita perhabih bagi..
Join kawan2 lebih bersemangat.Geram tengok depa punya....cantik2 belaka!
(Sebenarnyer KD ni tak pandai cakap Utara punnnnn....)
Kak Dee.. kalo dry cleaning pun xleh hilang ek? xper.. buat yg baru je lah.. hehe...
KD, cute sangat yg abc tu.. hehehe takpe tak lama lagi ada la cucu nya itu, tapi kalau nak bg cucu2 yg kat sini pon boleh.
terima kasih KD saya dah dpt blok quilt. comel sgt. minggu lepas da dpt. :)
Zila, KD tak cuba lagi kaedah tu. Nanti try. Thanks Zila!
We are looking forward to help all our crafters to make EXTRA INCOME on your handmade goods.
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Hani, glad you are happy with the block...
Ya lah Hani, cucu.... bayang pun tak de lagi... :)
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