My two boys (old and young... :)) were getting along very well and they had their adventures for the whole of Boy's stay. Gardening, cleaning, trailing and best of all, he had great time following his Abah, for sea fishing...... They had most memorable time together and the topics about their sea adventure carried on for about a week...... But I did not pay attention to them much........as I was very busy at this time of the year with my own activities......
The fishing trip ended up with lots of catch..... though mostly of medium size. According to my hubby during on board, Boy's thrill was beyond words.... tough at first he got nausea and had to stay put for the first hour.
So, just imagine for the whole of last w
we had all our meals with fish and veggies on our table...... Omit other dishes in the pic....... but all was his job in the kitchen, the steamed, the grilled, the deepfry ........ and all spicy with lots of herbs, he simply dashed on the poor fish he caught. But frankly it was lovely and tasted good .... but he can't beat my 'air-asam' as the dip ........lol.....!

He is back now at BK3....... and here at 49ers, both Abah and Mama have to continue 'fishing' out the rest of his catch from the fridge.....everyday.....!!!!!!!
Mmm! Sounds delicious. Nice he had such a great time.
fresh fish and air asam... hmm, sedapnye...
Kak Dee.. terliur saya.. hehe... air asam ek... slurpppp!
Wahhh Boy was in town !!! Bestnya tengok gambar ! Terus lapaq .. dah la hujan2 nih ...
Winifred, simple dishes but fresh from the sea.... :)
Glad he had, after his last paper, recently.
Faizlily, sedap... lagi pun fav KD ialah ikan n sea food.
Zila, air asam memang wajib ada kalau hidangan ikan.... :)
Ann, dah balik pun..... pueh makan ikan kali ni.... Hubby buat kering lagi! :D Tak larat nak makan tinggal dua orang...mai laaa!!
Seronok bila fishing, dapat ikan banyak, tak payah pergi market. :)
Kalau fishing kat laut, takut mabuk laut. :D
Yati, KD baca entry Yati pi fishing tu..... teringat masa zaman kanak2.
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