I did stretched out myself real hard to get along with the SAL girls.... and I think I have made it ...... the gap is diminishing :)
Here it is, as per today.....
I kind of fell in love with the bucket shape..... what say you if I make another ...... 1
Go K Dee, Go.....:)
yeay!!!! loving it kak Dee..
I have to say, i had my doubtsabout the shape and the bias tape handles in the beginning as well.. normally I'd never go for something like this.. but alhamdulillah for the sew along, i find the bag very nice and handy, the shape is hip and not granny-ish at all.. hehehhe
Thanks, Niza :)
Sue, my decision to make another is so obvious that I adore the bag too... :D
kak dee.. kemasnyer jahitan base akak tu... saya punyer.. muahahaha... malu nak citer... hahaha
Zila dear...... kDee dah pi sana nak tengok tak dak.... tunjuk la sikit gambar bag tu.... :)
kak dee.. ekeke... malu..tapi nak baitau gak.. dah update dah.. tp comot.. malu... :P
Zila, cantik tuuuuu, saja jer nak merendah diri.... Tahniah, I know you can do it!!!
Kemas dan cantik warna kain tu. K.Dee sangat mengagumkan.
cantikk.... tak tau la saya punyer.... masih terase kecik sgt.. btol ke? baru sambung exterior.. base ari ni baru nk buat...
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