Was wondering around on my own (as always) after delivering few mails at the post office, then proceeded to town to just window shop.....! But I did not just glance trough the windows but awkwardly stumbled into the glass door to shop for fabrics... and brought home few metres of lovely fabrics from KAMDAR (on sales now) and some trimmings and colourful buttons for my latest craze........... hexagon pincushions!!!!
Started this for few days now but short of buttons to complete. More and more triangles are forming from fabric stash as I cut others for on going quilt project .... And now I have plenty of pincushions for my visitors and as door gift from my sewing corner ..... :)
Salam K.Dee, lovely colour matching for all the cute pincushion.
Thanks, Neng.
KakDee used to sew lots of pin cushion as collections and handed over to friends as a token of love and friendships from me especially those who drop by my place... :)
Banyaknyer pin cushion! seronok tengok projek comel2 nih... :)
Zila.... projek comel tu.... sebenarnya penawar mengantuk.... :D
Lovely pin cushion K.Dee! :D
syoknya tengok banyak2 nih ...... !!!
Ainaa.... jahit ni untuk hilang kan mengantuk..... :D
Ann..... nak kalu kena mai umah KD. Bolih pilih na...!
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