I was in BK3 for almost a week with Hubby and had great times with my children and getting to know our
SonIL, Afif, the quiet and shy type, more thorough then.. :) They, my kids, trailed me along in my craze of shopping around for few days.......... thanks all dear.
Before I left my sewing corner I got hold of few UFOs. There are few that attract my attention.
Now, this has become my next to do list since these pieces was there and existed as long as I can remember. Some remnants from a friend's king size quilt.
kak Dee,BK3 tu kat mana ekk?hihi...blur lah i.so.....is the cucu on the way?
Rose, Bandar Kinrara 3, Puchong... :)
Rasa nya cucu tu lambat lagi kut... NIA is a workaholic type, tak tau nak rehat.... so sabar jer lah :)
Akak kt BK3, saya ke Kedah.. hehehe...
Merah putih.. cantik... tak sabarnyer nak tgk.. hehehe.. :)
Zila, ke Langkawi yer..... Borong sakan la....
Projek yang amat lama terabai....one of the first few.. baki block buat kawan. Nak habiskan dan tambah jadi sehelai quilt.
mcm banyak je UFO k.D tuh, baby quilt mcm lepas jerr
Mila, UFO memang banyak, tapi mostly just tinggal nak quilt saja.
Blocks tu untuk queen size quilt... simple dan tengah design layout.
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