Janome Memory Craft,
Mek, will be my companion for the whole of this week.
She will sings melodiously and embroidering 42 pieces of pillowcases and 15 pieces of tablecloth......while I do my other sewing.
Come on Mek......... we work together hand in hand....... and finish up by this week!
yeah...go Mek go...
best nya ada mek ni yer...
Mek.. selamat berkhidmat Mek.. lepas cuti hari pekerja nih.. marilah kita sama-sama bertugas.. sampai pencen.. hehehe..
selamat menyulam Kak Dee..!
Aimila, Mek needs servicing soon... and a good rest for her, until next seasons.
Mila, Alhamdulillah... Mek masih setia ngan KDee.
Zila.... Mek pun kena ambil cuti rehat juga ni..dah lima tahun Mek berkhidmat...!
Tengok lah kalau tuan dia rehat, Mek pasti rehat juga kan..:)
Comelnya nama mesin Kak Dee, mek.
Yati panggil MIL Yati mek juga, orang Kelantan. :)
Yati.... Mek tu macam mak kita juga kan...orang tua2 dulu kan suka menyulam.
Dari Memory Craft = MeC = Mek :D
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