Since small, I always wanted anything in red or black colour. My late mum said that it is a dull colour for a young girl and it will make me look old..... but I still love those two colour till now.
Lately I asked for black hexagon exchange from friends around here..... BLACK is BEAUTIFUL!
And here is one example

So................... feast your eyes............................. I'll continue tonight..... so sleepy!
kak diah..
hitam itu menawan...
WOW..Beautiful, beautiful. Black is indeed beautiful.
k dee, shima setuju dgn misa, hitam itu menawan, sesuai dengan pelbagai warna... k dee tak tukar warna kegemaran sejak kecik lagi.. wah setianya dan merah.. rasanya berani dan tegas orangnya betul ke, k dee
ok, nanti wat hexy background kaler itam yek. kaler bunge kakD tak kesah yek. canner ler nak jait jd gitu? blur aje nie..
Kak dee.. cantik la... itu merah ke kak? mcm bright pink.. very nice combination... Luv it!
Salaam KakDee, wow so georgeous..hitam nampak ekslusif. Pink, hijau and purple, just a sweet combo. berangan nak buat satu mcm fine day..i-allah..
Misa, W'salam. Hitam + merah lebih menawan.
MJBanister, with the right combinations black will be the most outstanding colours and very masculine ... :)
Watak KDee memang lembut, tapi hati
keras juga... memang tegas, dan tahu apa yang KDee nak dan usaha sungguh2!
Kdee tergoda ngan kain Naiz tu laaaa!
Zila, yer yang tu bright pink.
Salmi, jangan berangan saja..... buat la nanti Kdee bagi design dia, nak?
Greetings Diah! I've been on vacation and haven't visited your blog in awhile. Wow what a beautiful quilt. I too, love the colors. Great job!
As usual..beautiful work of art of yours each time I visit here :)
Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to you & yours.
These are not my colours .... but, gosh, this quilt is gorgeous. Love your denim patch bag.
Thank you Rhonda, hope can complete it soon.
Maria, thanks.
Happy Ramadhan to you too....
Rose Marie, thanks.
Oh, I love the quilt with the black! I was thinking of using black or dark green with my hexigon flowers.
I love the denim patch bag, also.
After I get my house back together and my ESL classes started again, I want to make a bag! I have lots of old levis saved to use in making things.
Anita, it has been a year that top has not been touched, could not get a suitable backing yet... hope very soon.
It is a quicky bag project to complete... think will make few more as some gifts. Would like to see yours too when completed.
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