I was having such a horrible but quiet time when the inter net line was down for two days..... well, all must have had the same experiences and life was so empty then ...... :(
But it was quite paid off with my findings of this.... totally forgotten about making an entry on that. Completed after the yellow set but was abandoned by me..... poor thing..... finally found it in between my stash.
All handpatched and handquilted.
But it was quite paid off with my findings of this.... totally forgotten about making an entry on that. Completed after the yellow set but was abandoned by me..... poor thing..... finally found it in between my stash.
All handpatched and handquilted.
Diah,.. the colorful hexy is gorgeous and fun to look at. Like it so much.
Thanks Hanim.....
kak dee, best juga ya, buat hexy macam2 color dan memang cantik , tak jemu mata memandang
Shima, KDee guna kain perca saiz kecil baki buat saperah.... but it still could be useful though for mini project.
Salam....Kak Dee
Cantiknyer hexy tu.... agak2 kalo saya wat mahu berbulan baru siap.... huhuhu
W'salam Amy,
Tak lah susah sangat hexy ni.... sebab memang minat menjahit dari zaman kanak2 lagi. Amy pun bulih kut!
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