Well, these are all my BLUE FLOWERS for FIDA and one of the pincushion will be hers.

Completed yesterday but our Puan Balkhis would like to see them personally and decided to come over then finally she could not make it. So have posted this today for Fida.
Note that I did not sew the fabric through paper template for easier removal of paper later on. I used white thread throughout but it is still not very visible on the right side since I just pinched a small portion of fabric through and pull out slightly taut... not too much or will warp or distort.

Completed yesterday but our Puan Balkhis would like to see them personally and decided to come over then finally she could not make it. So have posted this today for Fida.
Note that I did not sew the fabric through paper template for easier removal of paper later on. I used white thread throughout but it is still not very visible on the right side since I just pinched a small portion of fabric through and pull out slightly taut... not too much or will warp or distort.
kakD, dah dipos?? adoi cepatnya siap. naiz br mengarang hexi. lom dpt bunger pun lagi.
kak dee..cantiknye...heheh..tak sabar nak tunggu sampai...thank you ye...
Naiz, cepat siap leh buat yang lain-lain bunga pulak... lagi pun Fida mesti tunggu tak sabar...:-)
Sabar. KDee pun tengok Fida buat tu geram juga.... bila nak sampai ntah giliran KDee!
cantik...jeles teman..:(
Diah,... very neat work. Good tips. Just as excited as you all.
kak dee..cantiknyer.. cepat btol dah siap.. untung btol fida.. siap dpt pin cushion tu... hehe...
Just nak bagi semangat kat adik2 semua ni...... kalau dah nanpak sikit hasil tu mesti yang lain pulun juga... strategy!
Can always join along at your own home.... you just did a lovely quilt yourself...
Zila nanti semua peserta dapat pincushion tu.... nanti kita buat lagi, join yer!
Sangat cantik sis!
Arghhhh....bila nak siap mine ni?!!!
he he he...
Happy weekend sis!
Can always follow us along if you have the free time at home... with some tutorials and tips I'm sure will make things much easier...
Have a nice weekends too, dear!
k dee, wah cantik bunga blue fida tu, macam-macam corak, fida memang beruntung... confirm senyum sokmo
Shima, adalah sikit2 kain biru. Nak ponggah berobok kain nak cari untuk Shima dan lain juga.... bagi fair kan.
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