Made some crafts projects just to give colours to our other products and to generate some fund for our Institution. My little contributions were just so minute compared to others. But so proud that at least I took part in this most soughtful event which involved His Royal Highness and the Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah -
'Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation is a charitable organisation which takes its name after its founder and first royal patron, Almarhumah Tuanku Bahiyah Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Incorporated as a foundation on 20th August 1996, the Yayasan is managed by a Board of Trustees and the present Chairman is YTM Dato' Seri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz binti KDYMM Tuanku Sultan Haji Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah.'
Some pics during the events.

Had been busy for few days..... missed my sewing room and mostly I missed my friends here...............
Dear Diah,... I'm very happy for your accomplishment. The feeling of pleasure and satisfaction :) will always stay even after the exhaustion has long gone. Well done.
wah k dee, best jugak ya ada aktiviti camtu.. padanla k dee senyap je..
kakD, rindu kat saye yek? hu..hu..huuuu... pedih mato surf hexagon, angkara kutu, lingkup projek jait langsir ku..he.he.he.. apa pun bende baru yg bes dicuba. thanks kakD.
Hanim, absolutely right! Some small contribution that came from the heart will remains and lingers forever....
Shima, aktiviti seperti ini bolih mengisi masa dah jumpa kawan2 baru sambil beramal.
Tak lama lagi jadi ketagihan pulak dengan benda ni tau... selamat berhexagon...!
kak dee,
fyi my puteri is named after almarhumah tuanku sultanah bahiyah. my dad was working at harvard estate that time. he told about it to tuanku abdul halim. tuanku was so happy. tuanku often played golf with my dad then. i'm not sure about now, whether he still plays golf there. he even surprised my dad with a branded expensive watch when my dad had to transfer to other estate ;)
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