Today Balkhis came to my sewing room and snatched my other pair.
( She did not know that I made this for her, and I did not dare to tell her.... let her see and find out herself. She could sensed, I guess, for she went straight to the right spot and found it hanging with the rest of my other tiny things, and claimed it was hers .... funny right!)
It was okay 'cos she looked so radiantly happy today.... wonder why! We just wait and see.......
kak diah..
cute.. cute.. cutee... grin..
oh ya ka?? kak D...thanks...baru hari ni sempat baca bout this entry...hehehheh ..now it's hanging as my car keychain!
pssttt: najmi tanya...sapa buat? ...dgn tak malunya mama dia jawab...mama laaa...heheheh n he believes so...
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