Frankly I had a great time doing these, firstly because I want to get the feel of doing something new and secondly I was appointed to explore more on this and generate some fund for the Institution.

Though at first had no intention of making an entry of these..... but I think some CREDITS should be given to AFFEEN DECOUPAGE for giving full support and good tutorials. Thanks Affeen, without your help I think I could not produced anything like these.

Just wondering if should I venture more into this or..................
NO, I think I am still madly in LOVE with SEWING and will do lots and lots of QUILTING!!!!!!
wah kd nampak cantik dan kemas.. baru buat dah banyak hasilnya.. tahniah
Nice collection. You do great in anything,.. just plain talented and skillful.
Shima, actually taklah susah sangat nak buat dia, cuma rumitnya kena keringkan... lambat gak.
Hanim, a lot of trial and error and more to learn.. hope I have the time. What about giving a try, Hanim!
Assalamualaikum kak..hah..baru nampak hasilnya..cantik!!saya paling suka plate tu..sendiri tak pernah terpikir nak susun bunga dan tambah line2..mintak izin nak ceduk idea ye..he..he..
My many thanks to you for all the tips and advices.... Yes sure, you may have the ideas use in yours! May we can deal more.....later.
Superb Superb Superb...!!!!!
Great work and great talent.. Allah has gifted you lot of talent.. And you are using it in a good manner...
Keep up this extraordinary talent and i'm sure i'll b a regular visitor of yours..
Reshmir Nair, syukur Alhamdulillah.
Just doing what I manage to gift back to others..... thanks dear.
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