Just can't DO, DOING NOTHING...... THINK AND DOING NOTHING, I was at my sewing place....... I was surfing the net and found this some where way down my bookmark, listed about 2 months now.......It was the PINK PENGUIN'S
Switched off @ 3.02am..........................................................and I have THIS
P/S July 3rd 09 - My this blue basket now belongs to Atin to load in her 'kitchen utensils and dining sets'. She got hold of it the moment I gave her and never let it down, not even a sec.!
well done. dun forget to upload the basket pics to pink-peguin group at flickr --> http://www.flickr.com/groups/pinkpenguin/
Oh my..within few hours you could create this beautiful basket/bag? Sis, I hope I could be as pro as you one day. I couldn't get straight line when using machine. And I think I'm more comfortable hand stitching stuff. Is it just me? or it's like that for beginners?
Cheers sis! Another wonderful creation from you sis :D
Erin, thanks.
Sure will do that, thanks!
Maria dear,
One day you will be just good as anybody else....
Maria, hand-stitching-stuff and be patience about it, is a gift that not everyone can manage and endure with... if you are at it, then it is a good sign and a BONUS. Keep it up!
very nice...like it!!!
Oli, thanks. Are you keen on sewing?
Hope you finally went to sleep and were able to get to the airport on time!
Limpingalong (Anita)
Manage to send him off on time, and spend the whole day with heavy-head. Well, life is such....!
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