It came all of a sudden, and it is typical of our Dear Balkhis. She came late evening with bundles of packed towels to be embroidered and to be collected the next morning........! GOSH.......
This was one of her office's, Pejabat Daerah Kubang Pasu (Kubang Pasu District Office), activity and some charity works organized by them.

Finally I made it with weary eyes the next morning. While waiting for her to collect the whole bunch I dozed off for a hundred times.... z z z z z....
This was one of her office's, Pejabat Daerah Kubang Pasu (Kubang Pasu District Office), activity and some charity works organized by them.

dear diah, i am amazed at how neat your workshop is,.... mine is a mess!
Hanim dear, I am worst at periodic cleaning so momentous cleansing is my attitude... it works well with me... give it a try, dear.
Diah thank you so much for my SWEET birthday gift it was so unexpected and the material is fab....the little clutch is so darn cute Im filling in tomm...with stuff..did you make that ...I love you and thank you my if you could kindly just mail me your sewing room JEALOUS of that .......Love U and god bless...Lani
Lani, so glad you like them... just a little gift.... do take care dear!
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