Have made this yesterday for somebody that is far yet feel quite close to me. I did not know that few days back was her birthday, until I read her blog. So it is the best time to give her something that came out from my own hands... even how simple and plain it was.
I know she will appreciate this.....
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LANI CLAYTON LASKOWSKI may you be showered with many happy returns of the day!
P/S Ar per today June 14th, 09,
Lani has received this... a little bundle of joy to her. I am so glad and happy for her.....!
Cute & sweet clutch . Happy Birthday to Lani :D
If you have the time to visit HER site...!
thanks sis...baru belajar2 je buat cardigan..
Natrah, you are so good with your knitting! What about quilting, want to give it a try?
nak sis...nak sangat belajar..saya cuba2 gak survey dari internet...tapi cam susah la..heheh..buat tutorial la kak..
Another sweet gift for others from u.
How lovely
Lani must be very happy receiving it
I'm passing u an award. Pick it up from my blog when u have time k. :)
Natrah, once ada minat everything comes smoothly. KDee memang x pandai buat tutorials online. Tapi kalau personal guide (hands-on) InsyaAllah. Natrah, banyak site/blog yang bagus-bagus yang bolih refer untuk buat quilt. Buat baby quilt untuk anak2 ker...
Alviana, thanks dear. Really appreciate it!!!
kak..list kan la quilt blog untuk beginner macam saya nih
Natrah, okay, nanti KDee emailkan.
There is nothing like a hand-made gift! Lovely!
Please visit my blog to receive your award!
Sheri, thanks for the sweet comments and the wonderful award.
Have some lovely days ahead!
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