Look at that bright and sparkling eyes....... I have been hiding this from children that came to my sewing room. It is a not a toy (could make one in bigger version) though. It is meant for a pincushion. Saw the pic from the net somewhere, drafted and designed to make it able to sit upright .... and here it goes!
This is the cutest pincushion made,ever! The penguin won't stand a chance here at my place to be anything else, but penguin :D
So adorable!
wah..comey comey :)
ooohhhh kak D sembunyi itu penguin selama ni yaa....hmmmm heheheh nasib baik disembunyikan..kalau tak bukan budak2 yg kebas... mak budak ni yg sapu hehehe. Kena belajar buat ni! Geram..comel n bulat
Maria, oh really!
Well in that case I have to Xerox it into bigger version... to cuddle.
Thanks, have visited your blog... you are good!
Syahida, make one hopping into your house......!
Make sure you ring the bell before entering..... Mai laaa kita buat sorang seekor. Penguin tu dah terbang ke Tennessee pagi tadi.
susah tak nak wat tu?
Shahida, Auntie guna felt dan jahit tangan semuanya. Tak susah!
OH how sweet! I love penguins!
Prim Rose Hill, thanks. It was for the pincushion swap, and on its way to the new owner! Will make another soon.
Hi Daih. Baby penguin got here safely :) Thank you.
Carol, so relieved it came knocking at your door safely. Hope you adore them all...
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