Had visited Carol's blog recently and wow... Carol has given a lovely labels "BABETTE CORNER".... am I jealous of Babette.... and really envy about their tour...... The pics below are Carol's and please visit her to read about both of them......
Thanks Carol for all these wonderful thing you have given to Babette..... and wow..... she even assists you in your everyday life toooo...... ????? She is one lucky 'penguin'! WILL UPDATE AND COMPILE BABETTE'S ACTIVITY THROUGH CAROL'S. Allow me Carol..... Thanks....
........Babette visits - Wimpole Hall
There are animals at this lovely house that are SMALLER than me :) Missus H. said they are called snails. I wanted to swim in the Bath House but no water. Sadness.
A very old lady lived in this very big house for........
A very old lady lived in this very big house for........
And the winner is ..........
(..... say cheese BABETTE)
.......Babette visits the Gower Peninsula
I got to visit the sea. Whoopee !!!!!!! Sadness, the tide was out :( But we had a mighty fine, looooooong walk. Missus H. carried me in her lunchbox so I would not scare the big, furry creatures with four legs !!!!!! I saw some distant relatives but.........
......."Babette" on vacation
Missus H. let me travel on the plane with her which was good thing 'cause her luggage got searched and I might have scared the searching man.
All the humans went on a trip round a place called London while I slept in the hotel. Good thing too because.......
All the humans went on a trip round a place called London while I slept in the hotel. Good thing too because.......
.......Babette to Missus H
Babette - Missus H. when are we going to show the lovely people my holiday pictures?Missus H. - Soon Babette, soon.
Babette - When is soon?
Missus H. - How about on Friday?
Babette - Why not today?
Missus H. - Because I have decided to...............................
.......Project up date - signature blocks for Lady of Steeles
This is the project I took on vacation with me. The intent was to get all 26 done. I have 15 of the celtic knots finished and the rest are ..............We are back from our vacation
We had a fabulous time in Britain. "Babette" got in on some of the pictures and..........
Look who's decided to tag along to Britain as quality control inspector for my sewing project. It's baby penguin from the recent pincushion swap...........
............Just call me the village idiot :)
A mystery package from Malaysia showed up at my house a while ago and for the life of me I could not work out what it was for. An adorable baby penguin that had.........
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