I appreciate all the supports, the never ending encouragements and having so many lovely friends through blogging world. I found serenity in this wonderful journey.... which I have included all of you too....by enjoying few minutes or hours of solitude reading your kind words and added thoughts.... This has always bring some joy to my life.
Please enter my giveaway and may be your name will appear to receive some of these........
Just leave some words as many times as you wish and add your blog to my dearest friends's column.... I appreciate some additional friends.
Please spread the words too.....
The above are the first three gifts for the 3 lucky winners................to be drawn on the Oct 22nd.
I will add few more gifts....... books or magazines, little bags, pincushions, buttons and anything that I think you worth having....... how I wish I could??????..............
P/S Oct 15th - Here I add up few magazines (not latest issues) for few lucky winners.......

I have three copies of this Quick Quilts m'zins for another few winners ..... do not worry I have my own for all the above. Just greedy me always grabbed few extra for others if I can afford it.... :)
Now I am off to sew few little bags and pin cushions......
Kak D, I heart all your works.. I don't own a crafty hands like you but I will surely enjoy your handmade...
Kak diah! I love this giveaway and many many congratulations on your blogovesary. I think i start blogging just about the same time like urs. Eversince, u had become my biggest supporter and i really2 moved by ur encouraging kind words. Not forgetting the wonderful gifts u give to me and other blogger. It's a bless to have a nice blogger friend like u. :)
Heheh. Selalu nambak bende Google Followers tu but I never understood what it was (because I don't use Blogger?). But I've added myself to it jugak, yay.
Congratulations on the blog birthday! :D And early happy birthday to you, of course. Keep it up!
KakD! wow, a giveaway... count me in! hehe.. i love your yummy wrist pouches so much.. been showing off during raya with them =)
salam Diah,saya selalu g blog u tapi senyap2 je,u seorang yang kreatif disini jgk diluar negara,kerja tangan Diah kemas dan saya amat menyukainya,walaupun saya belum membelinya...teruskan la usha tuk memajukan hasil kerja u..saya berbangga punya teman blogger berjaya ...
insyaallah hadiah yang ditawarkan nanti jadi kenangan dalam hidup kami dari Diah...selamat hari lahir n muga berjaya dalam hidup dan kerjaya Diah...
hai kak D...
zai mmg suka giveway dan blog kak D..tak sangka kak D seorg yg kretif..kalau zai emm tak tahu ler ..
jadi tu mmg jadi tapi entah cantek entah tidak hasil tangan tu..
harap2 dpt ler terima hasil kerja tangan dari kak D..maybe satu hari zai akan beli gak tuk kasi hadiah kat member2 blog..sbb blog zai pun nak aderkan contest gak..sekrg tgh fikir apa tajuk contest yg sesuai..
Congratulations on the blog birthday!tq
salam kak dee... wow.. another giveaway after raya holiday.
really blessed to know you...i was happy to know such a person like u.. hope we can meet up one fine day...
i love all your work...
keep it up sis
I can't be on line on the 21st so I'm going to wish you a happy birthday today!!
salam kakD naiz tentu juga wajib joint. dah lama skodeng chat2 sini, tak sah kalau tak joint. dah lama geram dengan beg2 kakD tu..
apa pun wish me luck. he.he..
salam k dee,
shima pun nak joint sama... dah lama mengidam denim bag tu, mana tau ada rezeki.. happy blog anniversary.. and happy bestday... semoga diberkati & dimurahkan rezeki.. amin
kakD! its me again =) tp kali ni guna account kedai. kira aci x? hahaha. thanks for visiting my humble shop.
puan tanah aka sofya
First of all, Let me wish you an early Happy Birthday! Secondly, My sister's Birthday is also that day. :)
You are a very talented lady and I feel very blessed to be offered a chance at winning some of your fine work! (I love your color choices. Gorgeous)
Congratulations on the blog birthday! :D And early happy birthday to kak D
Bro mau join gak,kak D,,kalau dpt hadiah tu leh kasi sama wife besday dia..tak lama lagi..bertambah senyum ler dia kalau dpt hadiah nie...bukan setakat senyum biasa tp senyum sampai telinga..kahh..kahh
dah war2 kat blog bro..ttg giveway nie...
Tq Kak D
salam kak diah.Really love your blog and your handmade.
Selalu jenguk blog ni dan dah add blog kak diah kat blog list saya.
Tahniah dan selamat hari lahir buat kak diah.Moga dimurahkan rezeki.
hadiah giveaway tu menarik sangat ^^.Count me in ye ^^
blog saya: http://sweetlilcraftshop.blogspot.com/
Salam Diah,nak join gak ya...
salam akak D
First of all, Let me wish you an early Happy Birthday!
nak join gak..
Salam Kak Dee,
Sebenarnya saya memang sudah ikuti blog kak D sejak 3 bulan lepas, tapi secara senyap2 jer..dan saya memang meminati craft, anyway
Congratulation for your blogoversary and your becoming birthday...
So rasanya saya pun tak nak ketinggalan giveaway ni..
Hasil kerjatangan u memang menarik,
My link..
Semoga Kak D berjaya dan murah rezeki pada masa2 akan datang.
Kak Dee...
Count me in...
so generous of you ..
Happy birthday..
may Allah bless you
Assalamualaikum Kak Dee..Walaupun masih awal..ucapan happy besday dr saya and really admire all your works..semoga terus diberkati dan success selalu..
salam perkenalan dari kila tuk kak D
Kila memang sudah ikuti blog kak D sejak sebulan yg lepas,tapi secara senyap2 jer.sbb time tu ushar blog org jer lom ader blog g...dan saya memang meminati craft,anyway
Congratulation for your blogoversary and your becoming birthday...
kila pun tak nak ketinggalan giveaway ni..
Hasil kerjatangan kak D memang menarik dan kretif..
link kila...
Kak Dee.... w/pun saya tgh stuck dgn assignmnets nih.. saya tetap berkunjung ke sini.. nak cuba nasib.. hehe...
esok saya singgah sini lagi... wish me luck, semoga saya menang salah satu pouch yg cantik tuh.. :) tq..
What a sweet and generous way to celebrate. Your talents are many and sharing with all us makes us all lucky.
Keep on posting!!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
askm...selamat hari lahir kak diah dan selamat ulang tahun utk blog kak dee juga..hehh dalam sibuk2 saya nak jugak join..mana boleh lepas give away ni macam tu aja...try buat bag cam kak dee tapi belum jadi lagi..rasa2 macam tak jadi terus..hahahaha...
ok wish me luck kak dee...aminnn...
salam perkenalan KakDee..
saya nih nama sLeEpy.. baru nak berkenalan + join giveaway skali..
sLeEpy sangat2 sukakan hasil kreatif yang dah KakDee bwat..
Neway.. congrats on ur blogovesary + hepii bestday in advance
**smoga KakDee dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur :)~
Salam KD. Happy blogovesary And Happy Advance Birthday. Tak dapat menang hadiah 1,2 or 3 pun takape. Dapat pincushion pun jadik. Sbb dengar that all your works are beautifully done.
salam kak diah...
wow.. bestnya.. ada giveaway.. ni 1st time nk join giveaway.. mmg best kan kalu dpt hadiah.. count me in ye.. heheh..
sy juga nk ucapkan congrats on yr blogovesary.. kak diah mmg berbakat.. jom tepuk tangan ramai2 utk kak dia.. :)
kalu akak nk tempah jahit manik, sila la hntr kat sy..(^_^)http://syafazalizacollection.blogspot.com/
saya minat kerja tangan akak...ingat nak try buat satu beg untuk diri sendiri tp belum start2 lagik...hehehhe...dan tengok hasil tangan yg cantik2 lg buat saya nak cuba...btw enjoy the tutorial pasal pin cushion...
Also congratulations on the blog birthday!!
Kak D, Yati pun join juga.
Happy blog anniversary, dan happy birthday to you in advance...!
Semoga akak terus sukses. :)
Ni link blog Yati
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cik kema mai singgah
Boleh dah kot eks ucap Hepi Besday K.Deee muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sambil2 tu nak bg tau nie...dah lama ni duk ngidam nak beg itiewww
Harap2 mama rayyan berTUAH aaaaaaa
p/s: ehem3 kiter sama taun nyet2 aaaaa
Congrats to you and I adore your lovely handbags!
Elaine R
err..akak norlie ni x pandai joint giveaway...x paham add la..."add your blog to my dearest frends" tu maksudnya iklakan blog akak ke iklankan blog sya kat mereka?
hehheh saya ni dol skit...hahahh
Walla.. Mus lambats..
Happy Besday KD..
Happy Blogoversary..
Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..
Doa-doa biar beg denim itu terkeluaq nama Mus.. Wakakaka..
oo.... hepi aniversary and happy advance birthday! same month la our birthday...
Hepi bisdey & hepi anniversary!
same monthla bisdey kita
Love the bags you made, esp the clutch. Congrats on your blogovesary & Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday in advance! Thank you for sharing all your lovely creations. All the best in your quilting journey!!
Salam Kak Dee...hany pun nak join jugak la giveaway kak dee..baru berjinak-jinak ngan giveaway orang..sebelum ni tak pernah cuba...mana tau ada luck..btw, suka n kagum ngan hasil kerja kak dee...ada masa,peluang nanti teringin nak blajar ngan kak dee..
Kak Dee, congratulations! and Happy Birthday..
Saya suka sangat beg2 yang saya tempah from Kak Dee...
Suka giveaway ni ... kalau terpilih alhamdulillah....
Happy blog Anniversary!and thank you for sharing it with us here.
P/s -It is a wonderful purse! I would definitely use it myself!
happy birthday n happy blog anniversary kak dee....uhuuu..nak bag tuuuuuu!!!!!!!
pick me!!pick me!!!!
Salam k.D.. eppi besday yer.. nice work!
smg terus berbloging & crafting.. :)
hai KD,epi besday yg ke tuttttttt....
fa nak gak join giveaway ni...manala tau rezki fa plak......
so cute lar iye pnya giveaway....
Kak Dee,
I'm in.. already done as required..
oppss.. lupa, happy birthday & happy 1st blogaversary..
Happy 1st anniversary! may you come out with lots more lovely design...
Hello Kak Diah,
Congratulation and Happy Birthday.
May all ur wish come true and semoga panjang umur yachh!!
and psst.. count me in..
i hope i win ths giveaway..
and pls come visit my blog ;)
have a wonderful birthday..:)
they are lovely,
blogged http://sherlovecontest.blogspot.com/2009/10/adrs-giveaway.html
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
salam to kak d...
ni cek mai nak join la jugak...
kot2 cek ada luck buleh menang juga ka kan...mana la tau
tahniah la to kak d untuk blog anibeseri ni noh...
moga kak d sentiasa menten kretip la noh..
chek suka tau mai dok tgk selalu...
wah k dee, bestnya.. kalau dapat majalah pun.. dah syoknya.. emm
fuyooo kak dee...ramai nye masuk...takleh jadi ni..fid anak jugak membebel kat sini biar riuh sikit rumah kak dee...hehehhe
Kak Diah,
Have a wonderful birhday! I don't have a blog but the giveaway is fantastic and hope to win something. All the very best to you on your birthday.
kak dee cayangg,, sooorii... lupa wish pulak.
happy bday in advance,,, n happy bloggosary jugak k
semoga idea bag2 tros membawa tuah untuk kak dee
tq :)
salam kak d..
kte pon nk jgk giveaway tuh.. nk beg tuh! cntik!
Hepy birthday n happy blog anniversary!!
May Allah protect u from all harm brighten your heart with nur of iman,
bless u with the vision of ihsan and elevate u with his greatness.
Waah.. ramainya yang masuk. Masih ada peluangkah daku..? :)
happy birthday k.diah ;).
On 21- 23 xde kt opis. so kena early wish yea.
luv ur wrist pouch especially black & white color tu....simple & nice.
Salam K.Dee..ainaa nk join gak..hehe..mmg admire ngan hasil kerja K.Dee...anyway HAPPY BITRHDAY TO U SIS..semoga berbahagia selalu & HAPPY BLOGOVESARY...congrate to u..wish my luck..
wahhh ramainye enter kak dee punya give away...harap2 ada lah harapan aku nak menang b=bag ni..heheheh
Congratulations KD. Happy Birthday And Blogovesary ! Wishing you all the best in your undertaking.
Salam, selamat ulang tahun...
cuba nasib masuk giveaway ni..cantik n cute beg2 tu..hope ade la luck tuk memenangi one of the bags...
dh jd follower blog ni... :)
Happy Birthday Kak D ,hope it is very special and filled with surprises from start to finish :))
p/s :love to sing you a happy birthday song
salam Kak Diah,
Congratulation and Happy Birthday.
May all ur wish come true and semoga panjang umur yachh!!
and psst.. count me in..
i hope i win ths giveaway..
and pls come visit my blog ;)
Happy birthday to you!
today is ur special day..
heppy birthday dear ;)
KakD, happy birthday to you!
Semoga panjang umur, sihat dan terus sukses! :)
These bags look wonderful. The give away look is so cute. Curios to know its price. would love to buy one and gift it to my GF
Very nice!
Happy blogoversary!
best nye masih ada masa lagi nak enterprem kat sini..hehehe...lagi banyak hadiah nampaknye...huhuhu siapalah pemenang2 bertuah ye...
best nye masih ada masa lagi nak enterprem kat sini..hehehe...lagi banyak hadiah nampaknye...huhuhu siapalah pemenang2 bertuah ye...
memang syok kalau dapat salah satu dari hadiah kak dee ni...tak sangka kak dee memang pemurah hati betul...
Wah, KakD cabut nama pemenang malam ni ya. Good luck untuk semua. Siapa la yang bertuah itu.. :)
Happy Birthday, and Happy Blogaversary!!!
You are on my Friend Connect now Darling. Don't ever stop doing what you like and hopefully more creative years to come, insyaallah.
Oh... I came here browsing here and there... Am I on time? I'm going to publish your link right away!!!
Happy blogiversary... I was here browsing here and there and I found you... Hope I am on time!! I am going to post your giveaway right away!!
...Maybe I already leave a message... But my network crashed so sorry if it's a duplicate...
wah..byk hadiah special dr k.Dee..sukerrr..harap2 leh jd yg bertuah...:)
Happy birthday from Italy!!!!
Your blor is great.
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